Summit Agro – Argentina

Yamato Top

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Pyroxasulfone 48% SC.
MODE OF ACTION: Inhibition of cellular metabolism.
SITE OF ACTION: Inhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis (VLCFAs).


– Herbicide belonging to a new chemical family, called Isoxazolines.
– It acts by inhibiting the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids, affecting cell division and emergence.
– It has greater environmental stability, lower use dose, lower water requirement for its incorporation, low solubility and leaching, making it a very safe product for the user and the environment.
– Pre-emergent herbicide for the control of Amaranthus spp and annual grasses, such as Eleuisine spp, Digitaria spp, Echinochloa spp, others, providing excellent residual and control.
– Selective use for the following crops: Wheat, Barley, Soya and Maize.
– Packaging: Box of 20L (4 drums of 5 L each)

Avena spp.
Amaranthus hybridus
Amaranthus palmeri
Echinocloa colonna
Eleusine indica
Chloris spp.
Digitaria insularis
Digitaria sanguinalis
Leptochloa mucronata
Raygrás criollo, raygrás anual

Doses and recommendations: Download PDF

Safety data sheet: Dowload PDF