Summit Agro

Sanmite WP

This product can be applied to Almond trees, Blueberries, Cherries, Plums, Clementines, Clemenules, Peach trees, Raspberries, Strawberries, Lemon trees, Mandarins, Apple trees, Melon, Blackberries, Orange trees, Nectarines, Walnuts, Avocados, Salad cucumber, Pear trees, Peppers , Grapefruit, Beans, Watermelon, Industrial tomato, Tomatoes, Table grapes, Pisco vines, Wine grapes


Sanmite® WP is a contact and ingestion acaricide, indicated for the control of the mobile states of mites (larvae, nymphs, adults) in crops indicated as in vines, berries, fruit trees, walnut trees and vegetables. It also has action on the eggs, which do not hatch or give rise to inactive larvae. Its long residual effect allows keeping crops free of spiders for a long period.

Technical Data Sheet
Label PDF – Etiqueta Sanmite WP (14-01-2019)
Safety Data Sheet PDF _hs_sanmite
Organic certification
Transportation Sheet PDF _hst_sanmite_wp