Summit Agro – Argentina

Gemmit Top

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Flumioxazin 48% SC.
MODE OF ACTION: Light activation of ROS.
SITE OF ACTION: SITIO DE ACCIÓN: Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (PPO).


– Herbicide belonging to the PPO group (protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitors), formulated with Flumioxazin 48%.
– Formulation as a concentrated suspension (SC).
– Excellent soil residual and foliar control of some small broadleaf weeds (see label).
– Excellent broad-spectrum broadleaf weed control, as well as grass suppression (at rates above 130 cc/ha).
– Low risk to the user and the environment: green band product ideal for peri-urban applications.
– The low water solubility and high Koc of Gemmit TOP allow the product not to be washed away by rain, remaining active within the first centimetre of soil. This characteristic differentiates it from other pre-emergents, even those with the same mode of action.
– Versatility in rotations.
– Thanks to the micronisation process, Flumioxazin particles are smaller and more homogeneous, increasing the probability that weeds will encounter the active ingredient.
– Greater effective contact surface area: 84% more specific surface area than non-micronised flumioxazin.
– Greater stability in mixtures due to less flumioxazin precipitate.
– Greater dispersion of the particles in the broth. Greater mixing and homogeneity in the tank.
– Packaging: 6 L box (6 containers of 1 L each).

Yuyo colorado (Amaranthus quitensis) Conocer más
Rama negra (Conyza bonariensis) Conocer más
Flor de Santa Lucía (Commelina erecta) Conocer más
Pata de gallina (Digitaria sanguinalis) Conocer más
Capín (Echinochloa colona) Conocer más
Capin (Echinochloa crus-galli) Conocer más
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Raygrás criollo, raygrás anual (Lolium multiflorum) Conocer más
Nabón, rábano, rabanito salvaje (Raphanus sativus) Conocer más

Doses and recommendations: Download PDF
Transport sheet: Download PDF
Safety data sheet: Download PDF