Summit Agro – Argentina

Fierce RM

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Flumioxazin 15% + Pyroxasulfone 34.5% SC.
SITE OF ACTION: Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (PPO) + Inhibition of Very Long-Chain Fatty Acid Synthesis.


– Pre-emergent herbicide that combines AXEEV technology (which corresponds to a new chemical family of herbicides: the ISOXAZOLINES) with Flumioxazin (which corresponds to the group of so-called PPO, N-Phenylphthalamide).
– This product is formulated using micronization technology.
– The micronization of the particles makes it possible to obtain smaller and more homogeneous particles (Average Volumetric Diameter 1.35), thus obtaining a larger effective contact surface and a better distribution of the active ingredients in the soil.
– It controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses, especially in highly infested plots and with the presence of difficult species.
– Pyroxasulfone has a high specific activity (up to 8 X more active than Chloroacetamides).
– It exhibits microbial degradation.
– It has a lower water requirement for bioavailability.
– It has high hydrolytic and photolytic stability.
– It is not retained in stubble.
– Fierce RM is a revolutionary tool in the management of Amaranthus spp. and grasses such as: Echinocloa colona, Chloris spp, Eleusine indica, Digitaria spp. etc.
– Formulation as SC. Excellent soil residual and foliar control of some small broadleaf weeds (see label).
– Excellent broad-spectrum broadleaf weed control.
– Low risk to the user and the environment due to its excellent ecotoxicological profile.
– Its low water solubility means that rain does not wash the product away and it remains active within the first few centimeters of soil.
– Versatility in rotations.
– Thanks to the micronization process, the particles of both Pyroxasulfone and Flumioxazin are smaller and more homogeneous, increasing the probability that the weeds will encounter the active ingredients.
– Larger effective contact surface.
– Packaging: 20 L box (4 drums of 5 L each)

Amaranthus hybridus
Amaranthus palmeri
Chloris virgata
Digitaria sanguinalis (Pata de gallina) Conocer más
Digitaria insularis
Echinochloa colona (Capín) Conocer más
Eleusine indica (Pata de ganso, pie de gallina) Conocer más
Leptochloa mucronata

Doses and recommendations: Download PDF
Transport sheet: Download PDF
Transport sheet: Download PDF